5. Generation
Amberforce's EinsteinRasse: Britisch Kurzhaar
Victor Hugo van de Kraayenberg Rasse: Britisch Kurzhaar
Xabi Alonso of Tommy's Town-House lilac
Angelot Charmé Sens Lavrés
Henajuetras Alegro
Pretty Kitty Laureen Cherie
Paris Hilton of Tommy's Town-House
George Clooney of Tommy's Town-house
Blue Eldar's Victoria's Secret
Harlene van de Kraayenberg
Finch's Fanbonnevanck
Ice Jeeper
Cinder van de Balkenburcht
Rosanne van de Kraayenberg
Blue Kalimero von Wernerwald
Emma Van De Kraayenberg
Gotham Funky Goldenbeat Rasse: Britisch Kurzhaar
Revodna Ziggy Stardust
Chamax Mowgli
Stonemarr Jumpinjack Flash
Felesamor Bluevelvet
Revodna Just-Isabella
Willowood Chamax BlueBaloo
Revodna Kissntell
Clever Paw's Odilia
Blue Eldar's Stranger in Moscow
Union Jack's Cloud Nine
Blue Eldar's Eowyn
Moneta Bastet z Rican
Kaspian van Sonswijck
Eylem Benjamin Zadub
Amberforce's FelineRasse: Britisch Kurzhaar
Alaska from Town-House Rasse: Britisch Kurzhaar white - orange eyes
Xabi Alonso of Tommy's Town-House lilac
Angelot Charmé Sens Lavrés
Henajuetras Alegro
Pretty Kitty Laureen Cherie
Paris Hilton of Tommy's Town-House
George Clooney of Tommy's Town-house
Blue Eldar's Victoria's Secret
Garibaldi's Ragazza Mia white (dominant)
Ice-Cube of Tommy's Town-House
Garibaldi's Hemingway
X-Tasy On Ice of Tommy's Town-House
Beautiful-Diamond's Obsession Blue
Ravenswing Positively Orestes
Garibaldi's La Fee
Dr. Tara Knowless by Anyname Rasse: Britisch Kurzhaar
Catching Fire van de Catskill blue
Grazine's Oscar Wilde blue
Friis Beauty's Bonno
Malouki's Hoi Sofie
Super Coat The Lion King
Pampurred The Lion King
Demi Moore of Daisys Home
Sweatheart of the Pepperking
Hurricane of The Lion King
Pampurred The Lion King
Hightime vd Kraayenberg
Lu Lu of the Pepper King
Hell Fire of the Lion King
Vanilla of The Pepper King
5. Generation